Thursday 20 September 2012

Letras website

Thanks to Flamenco Regina's new website, I have just come across an incredible website resource for letras.

Under "per tutti" (for everyone) on the left hand side, there are two links:

"Repertorio Flamenco" - links to some pages already listed here on flamencoedmonton and, when you scroll down, it also lists letras grouped by melody. If you click on the name of each singer (in green) it will take you to the audio of the letra listed below it.

"Discografia Flamenca" - links to a list of CDs.  Click on the titles and you can open a word document with all of the letras.


webmaster said...

Thanks for the putting our link in your post Jane. We are trying to get Google to include us in their searches right now so that really helps.

Here's a tip you may find useful.

1) Find the letras for your favourite flamenco CD track on that site.
2) Load the CD track into iTunes.
3) Right-click on the piece in iTunes, select "Get Info", then the "Lyrics" Tab.
4) Cut the lyrics from the website and paste into the lyrics window.

Now the letras will display on your iPod Touch, iPhone, etc (but not on your iPad, there is a bug there.... I hope it is fixed in iOSv6).

Jane Ogilvie said...

excellent! thanks