Sunday 29 November 2015

Flamenco - Live at the Art Barns Dec. 4th

Our Festival fundraiser performance is less than a week away!
Tickets are selling fast. Don't wait to get yours or you may miss out.

We're excited to announce that the following local dancers will perform por fiesta at the end of the show:
Lulu Yu, Cat Moores, Carmen Locke, Susan MacGregor, and Jolene Yuen-Jung.

Click the poster for event details and tickets.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Flamenco Bliss new shoes in stock!

Hello E-Town Flamencas!

I will be visiting Edmonton on Dec 4 - 5 and will bring the latest flamenco shoes in stock with me. If anyone is interested in trying on some shoes, please let me know so we can arrange to meet!
Jessica Peñalver-Côté

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Stephanie Pedraza workshop reminder

A quick reminder that the registration deadline for the early-bird rate for the Stephanie Pedraza workshop on Dec. 5/6, is this Friday, November 13th

Workshop information can be found here.

If you would like to receive the early-bird rate, your registration must be received by Friday at midnight.

hope to see you there!

Thursday 29 October 2015

Flamenco workshop with Stephanie Pedraza - Dec 5/6 2015

Flamenco artist Stephanie Pedraza returns to Edmonton on December 4th to perform in our festival fundraiser Flamenco live at the Arts Barns, followed by a weekend workshop in flamenco dance and song on Dec 5th and 6th, 2015.

These workshops are open to the greater flamenco community. Some previous flamenco experience is required. Early bird registration deadline - November 13th.

Click here for more information.

Flamenco - live at the Arts Barns Dec 4, 2015

Flamenco at Art Barns web

As the days grow shorter and nights become colder, join us in the glow of the Arts Barns lobby for an evening of live flamenco featuring:

special guests
Stephanie Pedraza - singer/dancer - Vancouver
Tosh Hayashi - guitarist - Calgary

local performers
Jane Ogilvie - dancer
Irena Dumicz - singer/dancer
Nyles Varughese - guitarist

Read more about our performers here.

Proceeds from this fundraising event go towards supporting the Edmonton Flamenco Festival in its inaugural year.

Friday Dec 4th 2015
8pm (doors at 7:30)

Arts Barns lobby
10330 84 ave

$35 in advance
$40 at the door
General seating
cash bar

The Edmonton Flamenco Festival is committed to raising awareness, understanding, and appreciation of Flamenco for the greater Edmonton community through an annual festival. The highlight of our festival is a main stage event featuring international artists showcasing traditional Flamenco. Our goal is to build community through performance, workshops, and outreach programs.

Our first festival is planned for April 2016!

more about our festival at

 poster design - Jane Ogilvie - silhouette of Stephanie Pedraza from a photo by Andy Koo

Sunday 18 October 2015

Flamenco Society of Edmonton News

Our Annual General Meeting took place today, October 18, 2015. 
Thank you to all members who participated in the meeting.
We are happy to announce the first Flamenco Society of Edmonton Board ( in alphabetical order): Irena Dumicz, Judith Garcia, Patricia Gariepy, Susan MacGregor, Jolene Yuen-Jung
Want to be an integral part in planning events?
Want to collaborate with other Flamenco enthusiasts?
Want to have a voice in Society events?
Join Flamenco Society, it's easy: email any of the Board Members at
Our mission is to promote and facilitate local Flamenco activities, to build and increase awareness of Flamenco art in Edmonton and Alberta and to be an umbrella organization for local Flamenco artists, schools, presenters, aficionados and community at large.

Saturday 17 October 2015

Paco Peña concert ticket raffle!

As part of our fundraising, the Edmonton Flamenco Festival Association is raffling off 4 pairs of tickets to see Paco Peña's "Flamencura" at the Winspear on Monday, October 26th.

Raffle tickets are $10 each for a chance to win a pair of tickets to the show (valued at $94). All proceeds go towards our Association in support of our first Flamenco Festival in April 2016.

Raffle tickets can be purchased by contacting Jane Ogilvie ( and will also be available at the Edmonton Flamenco Society Swap/Sell and AGM on Sunday, October 18 where the draw will be held.

Paco Peña embodies both authenticity and innovation in flamenco. As guitarist, composer, dramatist, producer and artistic mentor he has transformed perceptions of this archetypal Spanish art form.

“Mr. Peña is a genuine virtuoso, capable of dazzling an audience with technical abilities beyond the frets of mortal man.” -The New York Times

Friday 9 October 2015

Classes with Irena Dumicz

Every Thursday Starting October 15, 2015 6 weeks Marr Mac Dance Studio 8627-109 St NW, Edmonton
SEVILLANAS from 6.30-7.30 PM
Bata de Cola Technique 7.30-8.30 PM
SEVILLANAS: we are learning and reviewing each of 4 coplas (parts) of this festive and traditional dance. In addition we will work on flamenco arms, body movement and style. This class is open to all students. You do not have to have previous flamenco training to dance Sevillanas.
BATA DE COLA Technique: This class is open to students who has been studying flamenco and are familiar with 12 copmas. You need to have ( or are in the process of acquiring) Bata de Cola, a special dress or skirt with a "tail". We are working on basic techniques as well as elements Por Solea.
For info: email
              call / text 587.594.1167
To register: email Irena for registration form and details
Sevillanas: 6 classes C$90 / drop in C$20
Bata de Cola: 6 classes C$ 100 / drop in C$20

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Flamenco Society of Edmonton News

Join us! The Flamenco Society of Edmonton is hosting its first social event and AGM.

Date: Sunday, October 18, 2015 
Location: Marr Mac Dance Studio lobby
Downstairs, 8627-109 Street Edmonton

5:30 PM - Flamenco SWAP-SELL 
Do you have flamenco shoes, clothes, accessories, CD's and want to swap, sell, or buy them? Looking for new items for your collection? Want to update your flamenco wardrobe? Want to catch up with the local flamenco community? This is the event for you.

6:30 PM - Society First Annual General Meeting
Society membership ($5) is open to anybody involved and/or interested in the Art of Flamenco: performers, students, presenters, teachers, aficionados. Previous knowledge or experience with flamenco is not required.

Our mission is to promote and facilitate local Flamenco activities, to build and increase awareness of Flamenco art in Edmonton and Alberta and to be an umbrella organization for local Flamenco artists, schools, presenters, aficionados and community at large.

At the first Society General Meeting a Board will be voted in from members. Want to be involved in organizing social events, performances, workshops and more? We hope you’ll consider a position on the Board.

You can acquire a Flamenco Society Membership in advance from Irena Dumicz or Jane Ogilvie, or at the event during our Flamenco SWAP-SELL, just before the AGM.

Questions? Email us:

Friday 11 September 2015

Flamenco Classes - New Session October 2015

The registration information for Jane's upcoming session of flamenco classes is now available.

Introductory level students
I am offering a One Day Introduction to Flamenco on October 2nd to give you a taste of my classes before the full session which begins on October 16th.
Levels I and above  
Classes begin on the weekend of
October 2nd.

The deadline to register is 
September 28th

For more information please visit the website:
Flamenco Classes with Jane Ogilvie

There you will find information about my background, teaching philosophy, classes and the upcoming Fall session.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Flamenco Society of Edmonton!

With great anticipation and excitement we would like to announce that the Flamenco Society of Edmonton has been created and registered by the following founding members: Irena Dumicz, Jolene Yuen-Jung, Nyles Varughese, Karrie Darichuk and Jane Ogilvie.

Society membership is open to anybody involved and interested in the Art of Flamenco: performers, students, presenters, teachers, aficionados. The first Society General Meeting will take place in the fall (stay tuned for details), when a Board will be voted in from members of the Flamenco Society of Edmonton.

We hope you'll join us as a member and, if interested, consider a position on the Board. More information coming soon.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Oscar Nieto workshop and Miguel Ortega CD

Oscar Nieto's workshop is this weekend!

Beginners - if you have at least 4 classes behind you, from any teacher, at any point in your past, and would like a flamenco fix...I can't recommend Oscar enough. There is still room in the 1 hr Intro level class on Friday from 6 - 7. Don't miss your chance to take classes from this incredible teacher.

All levels - if you haven't registered and are planning to attend, please do bring both the registration form and your total fee to the first day you attend the workshop. There is still room for both partial and full workshop participants.

Cante class - Open to all levels. No previous experience necessary. Note that the fee is separate from the workshop fees.

Click here for workshop information/form (including drop-in/partial workshop fees).

Miguel Ortega CD

Miguel Ortega is an incredible singer from Spain that came to the Calgary International Flamenco Festival in 2013 as the singer with Olga Pericet. He gave a fantastic cante workshop and we were able to buy his CD "Una Mirada Atras" which had just come out. He has released a new CD this year "Amalgama". Silvia Temis in Calgary has arranged to purchase some from him and would like to know if anyone else in Edmonton would like one. The cost is $20.10 (shipping included) and he will sign them before sending. I am collecting the money for her and will arrange for the Edmonton order to be delivered. If you'd like to purchase one, please let me know by Friday and I will make sure you are on the list (janeogilvie at mail dot com). Money must be paid this weekend! (cash only).

You can see more about Miguel at the links below:

Miguel Ortega website (spanish only)

video from the Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla - Sept 2014

video from the Festival de Jerez - Feb 2015

hope to see you at the workshop!

Thursday 28 May 2015

Oscar Nieto workshop reminder

A reminder that the early-bird registration deadline for the June workshop with Oscar Nieto is this coming Monday, June 1st. Don't miss your chance for classes with this incredible teacher!

These workshops are multi-level and open to the greater flamenco community. Some previous flamenco experience is required and there is an Intro level class offered for students with at least 4 classes of flamenco experience (from any teacher).

Click here for more information and to register

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Shoes for sale

Lightly worn women’s size 7-7.5 flamenco shoes, toe and heel clave,
Hand-made in Spain.
$225 new, selling for $150, OBO.

Email Katharine - to arrange time to meet for fitting.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Oscar Nieto workshops - Jun 19 - 21 2015

I’m over the moon excited to announce that master teacher Oscar Nieto will be returning to Edmonton for a weekend of workshops in flamenco dance and song on June 19th, 20th and 21st, 2015.

I can’t speak highly enough about Oscar. His ongoing influence has been fundamental in my flamenco journey since I took my first workshop with him as a total beginner back in 1997. To quote Portland’s Laura Onizuka:

“What Oscar teaches sticks. He has a secret magical talent for explaining things in ways that make so much sense. He helps you engage muscles in the body you didn’t know you had, allowing you to move with ease and power. The way a flamenco dancer moves. There are master dancers, but few can explain how to execute things as Oscar does.

Oscar is in constant demand as a guest artist and teacher across Canada, the USA and Asia. His broad experience and knowledge gives students a rich background in the history of flamenco and Spanish dance, cante (song), jaleo (shouts of encouragement) and compas (rhythm).”

These workshops are open to the greater flamenco community. Some previous flamenco experience is required and there is an Intro level class offered for students with at least 4 classes of flamenco experience (from any teacher).

Click here for more information

For those of you wanting to take classes with Deborah Ibach this summer, she is also really excited to have Oscar Nieto in town so the start of her classes will be delayed to ensure that everyone can take advantage of his workshop. Her classes will take place as usual throughout the summer. More information will be posted as it becomes available.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Flamenco performance and social April 19th CANCELLED

Unfortunately our planned flamenco event for April 19th has been cancelled. Jane has broken her wrist, will be recovering from surgery and is unable to perform or host.

Stay tuned!  we hope to reschedule at a later date.

Saturday 11 April 2015

Flamenco Classes May/June 2015

The information on Jane's May and June classes is now available. The upcoming session will be 6 weeks, building on the classes from last session and material covered in Stephanie Pedraza's workshop (attendance at the workshop is not a pre-requisite). These classes are for students with previous flamenco experience only.

Registration Deadline - April 27th.
Start Date - May 1st

For more information please visit the website: 

Flamenco Classes with Jane Ogilvie 

hope to see you there!

Friday 10 April 2015

Flamenco Performance and Social - April 19, 2015

Please note this event has been cancelled

Saturday 28 March 2015

Compás clock

Well-known Spanish musicologist Faustino Núñez has recently posted some videos tying a visual of a compás clock to excerpts from well known recordings, illustrating the compás of specific palos.  If you're having trouble hearing the compás when you listen to flamenco, they are an interesting way to be able to follow along and know where the song is at in the rhythmic cycle.

In this post on his blog, El Afinador de Noticias, you can watch the clock as you listen to excerpts of alegrías, tanguillos and seguiriyas, beginning with Paco de Lucía's alegrías "La Barrosa".

If you understand Spanish, you might also check out his other website flamencopolis, a treasure trove of flamenco analysis.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Flamenco workshop with Stephanie Pedraza - Apr 25/26 2015

Flamenco artist Stephanie Pedraza returns to Edmonton on April 25th and 26th for 2 days of classes in flamenco dance and song!

These workshops are open to the greater flamenco community.  Some previous flamenco experience is required.

Click here for more information.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Learning Spanish!

Livemocha and Babbel are two fairly good websites that I can recommend for those of us wanting to increase our knowledge of Spanish past 'o' (^_^)

Registration is free with Livemocha but to participate in lessons or courses, you have to purchase beans. During the course of learning, you also accumulate points which helps you move onto the next lesson. Native speakers (teachers, language experts) will leave reviews on your online exercises and I find this very useful for both written and verbal drills, and to distinguish between formal and informal speech.

Registration is also free with Babbel and a free first lesson is offered. In order to continue with lessons or courses, you need to register on a recurring payment plan.

Of course nothing beats learning with live native speakers. Edmonton Spanish Speakers and Spanish in Edmonton are two groups that are quite actively involved in helping others learn Spanish in a fun, casual environment!

Please feel free to share resources or other avenues that you can recommend to learn español!

Saturday 14 February 2015


No one can be a true Flamenco enthusiast without appreciating the beauty of Flamenco dresses, skirts and - RUFFLES! Having said that, I recently came across a lovely collection showcased in 2014 Mercedes-Benz fashion show. It's a fairly long video and while I'm unaware of the names of all the designers, I quickly fell in love with some of the more modern designs combined with traditional Andalusian aspects!

In this video, my favorite collections begins on or around 11:20 and continues through to about 22:20.

In the interest of not making this post solely about my personal appreciation of the designs, I wanted to ask if anyone, at any point, has attempted to create their own practice skirt - and if your answer is 'yes' - what ruffles do you prefer?

My knowledge of ruffles extends as far as circular ruffles, gathered ruffles and lastly continuous circular ruffles. It's hard to say which type I prefer the most because it all depends on how the ruffles are structured on the outfit.

There are also many ways to hem ruffles, such as using over-lock edge stitch, bias tape, cording (piping), trim or even fishing line!

Please share your preference or even lack thereof!

Friday 30 January 2015

Tapas and Tunes at the Artery - Feb. 7

Tapas and Tunes - Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser 
featuring Flamenco En Vivo

An evening of Tapas, Flamenco Dance, Jazz and Latin Music. A Fundraising Event in support of Cystic Fibrosis Canada.

The Jazz Quintessential and Coba! Latin Fusion

Date: Saturday, February 7, 2015
Time: 7:30pm
Location: The Artery - 9535 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton
Price: $60 advance
(includes tapas catered by Edmonton Events Collaborative)
Information and tickets: at this link (

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Flamenco Classes - new session Jan 2015

The registration information for Jane's upcoming session of flamenco classes is now available.

Introductory level students
I am offering a One Day Introduction to Flamenco on January 30th to give new students a taste of my classes before the full session which begins on February 6th.

One Day Intro registration deadline - January 26
Full session registration deadline - February 2
Levels I and above  
Classes begin on the weekend of January 30th.
Registration deadline January 26th.

For more information please visit the website:
Flamenco Classes with Jane Ogilvie

There you will find information about my background, teaching philosophy, classes and the upcoming Spring classes.