Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Flamenco Society of Edmonton News

Join us! The Flamenco Society of Edmonton is hosting its first social event and AGM.

Date: Sunday, October 18, 2015 
Location: Marr Mac Dance Studio lobby
Downstairs, 8627-109 Street Edmonton

5:30 PM - Flamenco SWAP-SELL 
Do you have flamenco shoes, clothes, accessories, CD's and want to swap, sell, or buy them? Looking for new items for your collection? Want to update your flamenco wardrobe? Want to catch up with the local flamenco community? This is the event for you.

6:30 PM - Society First Annual General Meeting
Society membership ($5) is open to anybody involved and/or interested in the Art of Flamenco: performers, students, presenters, teachers, aficionados. Previous knowledge or experience with flamenco is not required.

Our mission is to promote and facilitate local Flamenco activities, to build and increase awareness of Flamenco art in Edmonton and Alberta and to be an umbrella organization for local Flamenco artists, schools, presenters, aficionados and community at large.

At the first Society General Meeting a Board will be voted in from members. Want to be involved in organizing social events, performances, workshops and more? We hope you’ll consider a position on the Board.

You can acquire a Flamenco Society Membership in advance from Irena Dumicz or Jane Ogilvie, or at the event during our Flamenco SWAP-SELL, just before the AGM.

Questions? Email us: flamencosocietyofedmonton@gmail.com

Friday, 11 September 2015

Flamenco Classes - New Session October 2015

The registration information for Jane's upcoming session of flamenco classes is now available.

Introductory level students
I am offering a One Day Introduction to Flamenco on October 2nd to give you a taste of my classes before the full session which begins on October 16th.
Levels I and above  
Classes begin on the weekend of
October 2nd.

The deadline to register is 
September 28th

For more information please visit the website:
Flamenco Classes with Jane Ogilvie

There you will find information about my background, teaching philosophy, classes and the upcoming Fall session.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Flamenco Society of Edmonton!

With great anticipation and excitement we would like to announce that the Flamenco Society of Edmonton has been created and registered by the following founding members: Irena Dumicz, Jolene Yuen-Jung, Nyles Varughese, Karrie Darichuk and Jane Ogilvie.

Society membership is open to anybody involved and interested in the Art of Flamenco: performers, students, presenters, teachers, aficionados. The first Society General Meeting will take place in the fall (stay tuned for details), when a Board will be voted in from members of the Flamenco Society of Edmonton.

We hope you'll join us as a member and, if interested, consider a position on the Board. More information coming soon.