Monday, 19 January 2009

Flamenco Singing/Appreciation Club Planning Meeting - Jan. 24, 2009

All those interested in joining a Flamenco singing club are invited to come to a meeting to discuss the formation of a Flamenco singing/appreciation club based in Edmonton.

At the meeting, we'll talk about Flamenco singing interests, formats for gatherings, and schedules.

Anyone with a love for Flamenco singing is welcome to come to the meeting - regardless of knowledge, experience, or singing level. Even if you're not sure if you'd like to join at this time or not, you're welcome to come along to the meeting and listen in or join the discussions.

To our singing friends in Calgary - the invitation is also warmly extended to you. If you can't come in person but would like to be involved in the club in some way from a distance, let us know of your interest and send any ideas you might have.

When: 2:00 pm, Saturday January 24, 2009
Where: Block 1912 cafe, 10361 Whyte Ave., Strathcona

RSVPs are not required, but if you'd like to RSVP or have any questions, contact Elysia at 434-1125 or flamencoedmonton-at-telus-dot-net.


Kyla said...

Think there's a booboo there - the 23rd is a Friday...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kyla - it's fixed now.
- Elysia

Anonymous said...

The first singing meeting is planned for Saturday, February 14, 2009 at 10:30 am in the Strathcona area. Anyone with an interest in Flamenco singing is welcome.

For information, call Elysia @ 434-1125 or email flamencoedmonton-at-telus-dot-net.

- Elysia